Thursday, July 12, 2007

It is Almost Impossible to Share Revelation

Ever have a "light bulb" moment?

You know the one - like going to an eye exam, and discovering that when you look through a particular lens, that everything you see is brighter, sharper, more clear?

Robin Trombley has struggled with his own medical problems for several years, and as I watched him navigate his personal trials, I often thought to myself, "How would I feel if it were me?" I found my personal bank of experience served poorly to help me understand his plight.


Today, Robin was so kind as to post a comment on this blog, and suddenly, I grokked it (Heinlein fans would understand). No amount of imagining, no amount of discussion with Robin in the past, could prepare me for where I was at this moment; and yet it took this journey to this time and place for me to understand where he had been.

Language is inadequate to communicate revelation.

Life is short.
Everyone dies.
Live each day as if it were your last.
Better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all.

All incredible wisdom. So sad that the best way to feel the ring of truth of these bits of advice is through personal loss.

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