Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life, The Universe, And AN Hosting

I feel like I am very old.

A few days ago, I decided I wanted to design my own website. Nothing to it, right? With all the plug-n-plays, the modules, the easy WYSIWYG, certainly I could do it.

I'm a smart person, right?

So now, a few days later, I feel like I am my mother, and the demon sitting in front of me is a blinking VCR.

I went with AN Hosting, which by and large is a pretty good deal. Lots of storage, lots of bandwidth, all the nifty bells and whistles - all for about $6.95 a month. Plus, I even found a coupon code, and got 3 months free (coupon code: HR3).

But now I have all these options, and plug ins, and no idea what is better.

I got wordpress loaded up, which was a step in the right direction. But I am too high maintanance, and want what I envision. I understand now why people hire web designers like Sean Middleditch (who does, by the way, take outside projects, and is quite good). Anyways, I am retreating for now, content in the fact I OWN a website, even if it doesn't work yet!

More later.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Are You a Home Depot Regular?

If you are, you can sign up online for a 10% off coupon. Not much if you only have a few things to buy, but if you remodel, 10% could end up being hundreds of dollars.

I found the form via the USPS address change packet. You just log on to www.homedepotmoving.com/mycoupon. Fill in all the info, and viola, coupon send, in the mail.

Of course, you can only get one per address, so send one to yourself at your grandmother's house, your parent's house, etc.

Another quick trick for reducing your costs: price out your lumber first at a lumber mill. Even if it is far away, even if you have to pay outrageously for delivery. Lumber mills charge 10-20% less for wood that Home Depot does, yet Home Depot will match all other offers. When I build my gigantic deck, I went online to a lumber mill in Ann Arbor, and did my pricing there first. They had it all automated, so I could enter in my materials online, and it would print out a price list.

I took the list to Home Depot, and they offered me that price. It ended up being about 16% off their normal price. Also, for big orders, Home Depot delivers, which is a plus. I can't remember if it was a free delivery, but I do remember thinking that whatever we paid to have them truck it to our site was a bargain.

Same thing goes for stone, etc. Go to the direct, wholesale-type source first, then take your quote to the Depot. It will save you tons of money. If you are REALLY good, you can get them to apply that coupon to your order after they proce-match. What a deal!

Friday, July 27, 2007


How is it that stuff multiplies?

I have so MUCH stuff, I thought I needed to purge. Thus the HUGE Kanarbage Sale last year, and the enormous Garage Sale. I must have eliminated 3/4 of my fabric stash, half my kitchen stuff, 3/4 of my Kanarbage, plus household stuff and more!

So now, I have A TON OF STUFF!

I am packing box after box thinking, how in the @#$@# did I get weighed down by so much?

At this point, I have decided to let go.


All these belongings, with value and worth, too good to use, for fear of breaking. Too good to throw out, but unused. Doubles or triples of stuff, just in case one breaks. BOXES of stuff to remember things by. This trend must end, and I am going to spend the next year purging.

Did I mention I am now an eBay Guru?

My hope is to clear out, while making enough $$$ on the side to build a second story onto my house, and finish my barn. Tons of other house projects too, but those are the main ones.

I will begin once I arrive in Michigan, and my goal is to empty and settle One box every two days. I will set up three boxes, into which I will sort. One is the eBay Box. One is the Consignment box. And one is the Garage Sale box. Of course I will save a few of my treasures, but the goal is to eliminate enough VOLUME so that I can enjoy my special pieces.

Todd is skeptical, but I know I can do it. I can't live around all this stuff anymore.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Free 30% Off Coupon to Borders/Waldenbooks!

The great thing about these coupons is that you can print them out and use them as many times as you want before they expire. I got this one from filling out a survey. I love to read, and am more than willing to share. Enjoy!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ode to Coffee

I am such a Starbucks fan. I love it dearly. But this was totally beyond excessive, and most likely the internet was invented just to give this man the reason to abuse himself this way. Audio, worksafe. OMG. This is dedicated to my friends Kelly and Connie.


Love and kisses!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Next Round of Tests Tomorrow

My next round of tests is tomorrow. Bright and early!

You know, its really the needles that get me. I guess this is covered under the grin-and-bear-it clause of life. If you don't grin, you might not be able to bear it!

Thank goodness I have a few good things to look forward to: Kelly is in town this weekend, and I am hoping to feel good enough to go out with her for a coffee. It is truly one of our favorite things to do, and I am looking forward to returning to MI so that we can spend more time together visiting, shopping, and doing other girly things.

The first truckload of our belongings is back in MI now, with great thanks to Paul and the Booles for their aid in getting us relocated back in our old home. Todd is a workhorse, and has pretty much moved all of the 10 tons of stuff on his own back. Tons of thanks also to Todd's Parents and brother Joel for their help unpacking at that end.

Todd will be driving up this weekend to MI, barring anything unfortunate from the doctor's tests, so life will be returning to normal for us soon.



Thursday, July 12, 2007


Posted by PicasaThis has got to be one of my favorite photos of all time. This Britton (3 years old) doing her best Tinkerbell imitation. Well, actually this is her "someone said no to me" face, but it will do.

It is Almost Impossible to Share Revelation

Ever have a "light bulb" moment?

You know the one - like going to an eye exam, and discovering that when you look through a particular lens, that everything you see is brighter, sharper, more clear?

Robin Trombley has struggled with his own medical problems for several years, and as I watched him navigate his personal trials, I often thought to myself, "How would I feel if it were me?" I found my personal bank of experience served poorly to help me understand his plight.


Today, Robin was so kind as to post a comment on this blog, and suddenly, I grokked it (Heinlein fans would understand). No amount of imagining, no amount of discussion with Robin in the past, could prepare me for where I was at this moment; and yet it took this journey to this time and place for me to understand where he had been.

Language is inadequate to communicate revelation.

Life is short.
Everyone dies.
Live each day as if it were your last.
Better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all.

All incredible wisdom. So sad that the best way to feel the ring of truth of these bits of advice is through personal loss.

Free 25% Off Coupon to Borders/Waldenbooks!

I love to read. I buy books as much as I can, and I belong to all the clubs that get me a discount. Here is a coupon you can use until 7/15. It will give you 25% off any book from Borders aka Waldenbooks.


Love you all!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You NEVER Want the ER Staff to be Nice to You

So the moral of my medical story is . . .
You do not want the ER staff to be nice to you. Ever.

To go back to the beginning, PAIN.

Any of you who have ever had a Migraine will vouch that they can be the most painful things in the world (and I have had 3 REALLY long labors, so I am speaking with some authority on the subject). I, among millions, suffer from chronic migraines, but when the pain gets too intense, and the medications they prescribe aren't enough, the hospital can help.

So there I am, flying down the highway in Todd's brand new car, puking out the window as he rushes to the hospital. How terribly glamorous. He arrives, drops me at the ER door, and goes to park.

Cape Fear Valley Hospital serves Fayetteville, the 4th largest city in the state of NC. This is NOT a small hospital. As I stagger forward, I make note of the fact that the line for the ER stretches out the door. All I can think about is the cool medicinal relief that awaits inside. One of the helpful volunteer workers rushes a wheelchair out to me (do I really look that much worse than everyone else in this line?) and hustles me inside.

So, you can't hold a decent conversation while crying. Sobbing is even worse. I was wheeled directly to the nurse's station (certainly I couldn't look as bad as all that, could I?) and my temperature and BP measured. Todd finally returns to translate my sobbing answers to the helpful nurse, and he informs her that the parking lot for ER is overflowing. Wow, what a great day to have a migraine.

Our nurse recommends a CT scan. So we wait in the hallway of the ER for our turn. To my joy, I get to hold my vomit in my portable container, while listening to a drunk homeless veteran blame all the world's ills on all those "Damn New York Yankees."

LIGHTS. DRUNK GUY SCREAMING. PAIN. Oh, im gonna be sick again.

It takes about 15 minutes to get me my CT scan. Todd watches over the technician's shoulder as he mutters "hmmm, that's strange." You never want to be strange, in the ER.

I get wheeled into the back, and the nurse (who suddenly became very nice) has a hurried conversation with the attending. I see them gesture urgently, then kick someone else out of the only trauma room in the ER ~ an honest to god room with solid walls and no sheet dividers. All four ER doctors on the whole floor come into my room. A doc even ran my IV.

The ER Doctors smiled at me reassuringly. It was then I realized: you DO NOT want ER Docs to be nice to you. You want them to be brash, dissatisfied with the importance of your injury. You WANT them to walk away shaking their head at you for wasting their time.

To make an ER doctor feel truly useful, one must have something sufficiently wrong with them to warrent their attention. You know, an eyeball popped out, a limb chopped off. . . or blood in your brain. They were thrilled.

To make a long story short, after calling in Neurosurgeons and Cardiologists, they sent me to Intensive Care, which is a whole different story.

Stone Manor

The house we currently live in was built by Grace's Great- Grandmother in the 1920s. It measures around 7000 sq. ft, and is palacial.
Constructed mostly from granite, this house is painted on the inside with murals, and is generally very over-the-top for a typical family of 5.
It has been great living in this wonderful Historic Home, but we are ready to spend more time in a house that less resembles a museum.

Grace & Todd Announce Plans to Move Back to MI

So, we are moving back.

Mom and Dad Parker are doing better, and the Fayetteville House that we have been caring for will be sold soon, so Todd and I decided it would be best to get back to our house in MI until the housing market improves.

Grace loves the weather down here in NC, and will be terribly sad to return to dreary gray days and snow, but both we both miss our friends and family in MI terribly, and will be happy to see them all again.

Todd is happy to be returning to MI, with a new CCNA cert under his belt. Currently attending Eastern Carolina University, Todd will be enrolling in more classes to get his CCNP and hopefully well on his way to a new career. Because we ALL know how wonderful the Engineering Market is for MI right now.

We miss you all, and hope you will tune in for more of the Martin Family Saga as it continues.